What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture has been practiced in Asia for thousands of years as part of a comprehensive system of medicine. It is safe, effective, and an increasingly clinically proven medical treatment for many diseases and health problems. It also is a preventative treatment that works to balance the body allowing the body to self-regulate. Hence it is a non-dependent medical treatment which means you do not need to continue when your symptoms go away.
Acupuncture can be effective at treating a wide range of concerns, including acute and chronic pain and illness, and emotional, physical, and energetic imbalances. It can also help you stay well by strengthening the immune system to prevent disease. Traditionally, acupuncture was also used to harmonize the body during seasonal and life transitions, as an “acupuncture tune-up for your body to run smoothly.”
Simply stated, acupuncture is a holistic approach to the body in which health is regained and maintained by bringing the body into balance. Practitioners of Asian medicine view the body as a network of pathways, called channels, which connect with the body’s organs and other systems.
Does it Hurt?
Unlike the needles we are used to at Western medical offices which are hollow and thick, acupuncture needles are extremely fine and solid. In acupuncture we are not putting or taking anything out of your body. Hence the sensation from acupuncture needles is very different. Most patients do not feel anything and even remark, ‘did you already put the needle in?’. Some say they feel a slight sensation, like a mosquito bite. Every person’s sensitivity level is different and can even change from treatment to treatment depending on what is happening in their bodies. Japanese acupuncture techniques are very gentle, using very small gauge needles that are shallowly (millimeters) inserted in the skin. Japanese acupuncture seems well suited to the USA as most do not want to experience the needles and often have sensitive nervous systems. Generally Chinese acupuncture utilizes thicker gauge needles and deeper insertion. It can, but doesn’t always, employ stronger needle stimulation. Both Japanese and Chinese acupuncture styles produce positive health results. I normally blend Japanese and Chinese acupuncture styles based on the patient’s presentation and constitution and what will be most beneficial for the patient’s healing process and health.
What to Expect?
The Practitioner begins by taking a detailed past medical history and listing of current symptoms as well as examining the client’s pulse, tongue, and abdomen. When the assessment is complete a diagnosis is determined and a treatment plan is established and discussed with the client. The Practitioner then inserts hair-thin, sterile disposable needles at specific points along the channels. In addition to feeling relief from the treatment people will often feel more relaxed as an added bonus.
Initial sessions generally take 1 to 1 1/2 hours due to the History and Assessment process.
Follow-up treatments last approximately 1 hour.
What to Wear?
It is best to wear loose fitting clothes that can easily be pulled above the elbows and above the knees in order to access the acupuncture points, and ideally are not tight around the neck. If you are seeking treatment for a specific problem, it is helpful to wear clothes that allows the affected area to be treated (i.e. for a shoulder issue, wear a tank top). Unlike with massage, it is not necessary to disrobe.